iJn Radio Bringing you music that uplifts, sharing thoughts that provoke and inspire, having discussions that encourages all in Jesus name.

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Artist Name – Track and Album Name [label name or “unsigned”] Year
Artist Name – Track and Album Name (Remixer Name Remix) [label name or “unsigned”] Year
Include genre: Worship; Contemporary; Gospel; Spoken Word; Jazz; Hip Hop; Southern Country; etc

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iJn Radio Book Club
Share Your Testimony
Women Who Overcome
You didn’t go through everything you went through in life to keep it to yourself. It is our job as believers of Jesus Christ to share our powerful testimonies to bless, strengthen, inspire, and encourage others that they too can overcome anything with God. Take a journey through the lives of six women, who share their powerful testimonies of overcoming low self-esteem, depression, suicidal thoughts, fear, bad relationships, poverty, health issues, unplanned pregnancies, rejection, unforgiveness, alcohol abuse, molestation, and growing up fatherless.
Author Karen Gaughan
What is reLOVE? Great question. reLOVE is the practice of loving J.O.Y. Jesus, Others and Yourself. Stay tune for dates and times.
Author Kezia Snipe
Spoken word artist, author and social entrepreneur, Kezia Snipe not only released a book but she released a journey of comfort between paper and pen from the last ten years.